Real Estate Transactions And Disputes

Legal Guidance For Real Estate Transactions

The attorneys at Bold, Polisner, Maddow, Nelson & Judson, have experience guiding clients through real estate transactions and ensuring that all parties follow the law. Our Walnut Creek and Sacramento offices represent real estate buyers and sellers throughout California, including Contra Costa, Alameda, Sacramento, and Yolo Counties. Our attorneys have a thorough knowledge of real estate law and a commitment to profitably resolving our clients’ transactions.

We Ensure Effortless Real Estate Transactions

Selling or purchasing real estate, whether as part of the administration of an estate or not, without a knowledgeable lawyer can cause you to sign unenforceable contracts and skip necessary disclosures. California is not a “buyers beware” state and sellers are required to inspect and disclose issues with their property. This is one of the many mistakes a seller can make that can lead to longer transaction times, escrow issues, and stalled closings. A well-written contract and an experienced attorney can protect both buyers and sellers from litigation, fines, and other legal action.

We can help people with many types of real estate transaction legal matters, including:

  • For sale by owner transactions
  • Use occupancy agreements
  • Agricultural contracts
  • Mineral rights
  • Land use licensing
  • Eminent domain proceedings for landowners and businesses

Get Experienced Guidance For Your Transaction

Purchasing or selling property often involves hundreds of thousands of dollars and can take months to close. Do not risk your time, money, and property – talk to an attorney. Contact our firm by calling (925) 933-7777 or (916) 933-7511 or send us a message to set up your free consultation.

Rated By | Super Lawyers | Craig L. Judson |
Rated By | Super Lawyers | Rising Stars | Scott J. Judson |
Rated By | Super Lawyers | J. Kevin Moore |
Rated By | Super Lawyers | J. Virginia Peiser |
Rated By Super Lawyers Rising Stars Leila Tabrizi,
CCC | BA | Contra Costa County Bar Association | Est. | 1934
Sacramento County Bar Association | Est.1918
Rated By Super Lawyers | Rising Stars | Jacob C. Smith |
PFAC | Professional Fiduciary Association Of California
Top Lawyers 2019 | Sacramento
Top Lawyers 2021 | Sacramento | Magazine
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